FLFD is NOT in charge of plowing the roads, giving out weather reports, etc. We ARE responsible for making sure we are available for emergency phone calls and servicing those in immediate need. Please keep our phone lines open for emergency situations. THANK YOU!
If you need any information about road conditions within the subdivision, or when you can expect the snow plow to service your road, PLEASE call the Coconino County Public Works Department at 928-679-8300. If no one answers, leave a message. Please be patient because the snow plows can't get to everyone at once. They have priority roads that must be kept clear for emergency response.
For road conditions on the highways to and from Forest Lakes, please call ADOT at 511 or 928-773-3700. You can also check with ADOT on the internet at https://www.az511.com/
If you need to know the weather forecast, check with the National Weather Service Flagstaff at (928) 774-4414. There is a detailed National Weather Service forecast for Forest Lakes on the internet HERE.
If you need to know who to call to plow out your driveway, call the following:
John Skeldon 602-999-2663.
Eddie Riddle 928-535-4435
Scott Bennett 602-526-0485