“Proudly Serving” the Forest Lakes Community and Surrounding Mogollon Rim area since 1976 .
To provide the highest level of life and property safety through the extension of Fire Safety Education, Fire Control and Emergency Medical Services for the community of Forest Lakes, Arizona.
The Fire District faces unique challenges in keeping pace with the changing world in which we live and work. We will continue to build on the traditions and people who brought us to this point. However, we must adapt, be flexible, and be progressive in order to continue to be successful. The following paraphrased statements will provide us with a vision that will enable us to continue to be an exceptional organization.
We will strive to always put the safety of our personnel and equipment uppermost in our priorities.
We will strive to be perceived as good stewards of community property: we will be fiscally responsible, providing good value for the money spent; we will have a plan in place to govern growth; we will establish priorities in line with department needs; and we will always live within our means, always able to pay our bills.
We will strive to build community support and trust through frequent, open and honest communication, being transparent in everything we do.
We will strive to nurture and develop relationships with outside agencies so that we develop cooperative support and expand our ability to respond to emergencies. We will strive to foster a spirit of continuous improvement, achieving excellence in everything we do.
We will strive to be customer friendly: we are service providers, we treat our customers with respect, we have a service mentality—“What can I do to help you?”, and we let customers know that serving them is the most important job we have.
We will strive to be a fire department that is a community focal point for everyday community activities, not just fire department operations and emergency response.
Fire Chief - David Rodriquez
Administrative Assistant - Wanda Bernett
Equipment information coming soon
We are so happy with our new Fire Station!
Property Map with Hydrant Locations
forest_lakes_map_with_hydrant_location_and_information_05-24-2017 (pdf)
DownloadIn July 1975, a petition was circulated and signed by 16 registered resident voters requesting to form a Volunteer Fire Company within Forest Lakes Estates and one mile within the outer perimeter of said subdivision. An Election was held on February 27th 1976 and votes cast for membership for the Forest Lakes Estates Volunteer Fire District Board. A total of five candidates for membership were placed on the ballot. Candidates were as follows:
Aldrich, Raymond C.
Callahan, Robert W.
Edgar, Barrett D.
Ledford, James R.
Williams, LeRoy B.
On March 15th 1976, the Coconino County Board of Supervisors canvassed and tallied a total of 34 returns of the Forest Lakes Estates Volunteer Fire District Election. Votes on record as follows:
Aldrich, Raymond C. ———— 24
Callahan, Robert W. ———— 21
Edgar, Barrett D. ————— 14
Ledford, James R. ————– 16
Williams, LeRoy B. ————- 20
Upon motion and approval by the Coconino County Supervisors it was declared official authorizing the organization of the Forest Lakes Estates Volunteer Fire District and appointing three of the five member candidates for membership on the Forest Lakes Volunteer Fire District Board. The newly elected board of the District was Aldrich, Callahan and Williams. Our Fire District was formed.
Through the years the District has seen many faces within their realm. Leadership of all ages & backgrounds, bringing to the District their expertise, their compassion and love for the mountain and the community in which the district serves. The Forest Lakes Fire District is the center of the Forest Lakes Community and we are honored to serve.